burning the year / Naomi Shihab Nye
postcards / Joshua Weiner January 2025
line breaks / Robert Frost and Langston Hughes
ways of looking / Wallace Stevens
cartoon characters / Barbara Hamby
the last time / George Bilgere
dramatic monologue / Dana Gioia
double meanings / Seamus Heaney
fragrance of memory / Kenneth Rexroth
what you did not know / Jon Loomis
personal holiday / Galway Kinnell January 2024
what I learned / Julia Kasdorf
triversen / William Carlos Williams
place / Margaret Sáraco January 2023
summer, beach and August / Stanley Moss and Seamus Heaney
in a dog's voice / Analicia Sotel (Issue #300)
year end / Naomi Shihab Nye 2022
Shakespearean characters / William Shakespeare
letter to the future / Matthew Olzmann
historical intimacy / Billy Collins
shared birthdays / Robert Pinsky and Arthur Rimbaud
anniversary of my death / W.S. Merwin
metonymy and synecdoche / Carl Sandburg and T.S. Eliot
the day after / Susan Rothbard
history personal / Stanley Kunitz
once upon a time / Kim Addonizio and Alicia Ostriker
odes to common things / Pablo Neruda
lost and found / Jane Hirshfield
factoid prose poems / Renee Ashley
rereading and rewriting / Linda Pastan and Billy Collins
seasonal / Elizabeth Alexander
fictional characters / Danusha Laméris
the summer of / Geraldine Connolly
reverdie / William Carlos Williams
Seussical / Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
walking / Mary Oliver and Frank O'Hara
translation / Richard Blanco, Joy Harjo and Kenneth Ronkowitz
acquainted with / Robert Frost
poetry in school / Naomi Shihab Nye
science and love / Sara Eliza Johnson
the dance / William Carlos Williams and Wendell Berry
ekphrasis for Edward Hopper / Victoria Chang and Edward Hirsch
tools of the trade / George Starbuck
what we missed in school / Tom Wayman and Brad Aaron Modlin
pilgrimage / Natasha Trethewey
day and season / Robert Hayden
witness / Carolyn Forche and Philip Terman
music and memory / Lucille Clifton
broken things, Yusef Komunyakaa and Pablo Neruda
fruits / Thomas Lux and Julie Kane
triggering titles / Richard Hugo
roads not taken / Robert Frost
in your next letter / Carrie Shipers, Elizabeth Bishop and Langston Hughes
eating poetry / Galway Kinnell
light verse / Garrison Keillor
directions / Juan Felipe Herrera
his or her master's voice / Mark Doty
Dear Poet / Edward Hirsch and Naomi Shihab Nye
golden shovel / Terrance Hayes
negative wishes / Carl Sandburg
questions asked of the poet / Aimee Nezhukumatathil
first lines from Emily Dickinson
when / Yeats, Keats and others
literary terms / Paul Hostovsky
first (poetic) love / W.B. Yeats
factoid prose poems / Louis Jenkins
trees / Melanie McCabe and Dorothea Tanning
five / Robert Frost and others
teachers / Maria Mazziotti Gillan
triggering town tour - Erica Wright
punctuation / Emily Dickinson & e.e.cummings
ars poetica 2 / Archibald MacLeish
finding Poems / Naomi Shihab Nye
solstice / May Sarton and Mary Oliver
redefining / Linda Hasselstrom
animal companions / Linda McCarriston
birds / W.B. Yeats, Elizabeth Bishop and Edna St. Vincent Millay
fruit / Carl Phillips, Tom Hansen
winter haiku / Issa, Buson and Basho
sons and daughters / W.S. Merwin
this was once / Jane Hirshfield
what sustains you / Thomas Lux
laundry / Jane Kenyon & Robin Behn
prompt a day / 30 for November 2008
how not to write a poem / Lewis Carroll
it's not about you / Laura Kasischke and Richard Brautigan
a natural landscape / Lawrence Ferlinghetti
prose poem: mundane to erotic / Nin Andrews and Dorianne Laux
what you can not be / Molly Peacock and Billy Collins
the conversation of couples / Robert Hass & Brenda Hillman
Rubaiyat / Rumi translated by Coleman Barks
didactic poems / Charles Harper Webb
good advice gone bad / Diane Lockward
residual memory of place / Andrew Motion
magical thinking / Naomi Shihab Nye
giving form to death / John Updike
in the moment / Jane Hirshfield
Proustian memory / Billy Collins
calendar event / Günter Kunert
how memory works / Patricia Hampl
poetry alternatives / Grace Paley
guilt shop / Mark Hillringhouse
gladness / Percy Bysshe Shelley
risk, love, revelation / Dorianne Laux and William Stafford
a job done badly / Louis Jenkins
advice to poets / Madeline Tiger
war / Galway Kinnell and Katha Pollit
automatic writing / Andre Breton
social or political issues / Carl Sandburg
childhood Memory / Donald Justice
the way things work / Jorie Graham
in the style of / e.e. cummings
flowers / Emily Dickinson & Donna Bamford
April / Edna Saint Vincent Millay & Mary Oliver
characters / Marilyn Chandler McEntyre
revisionist history / Jennifer Michael Hecht
wanting / Kim Addonizio & Jane Cooper
poem personified / Larry Levis
love defined / Yevgeny Yevtushenko
writing workshops / William Matthews
metaphor deferred / Larissa Szporluk
triolets / Frederick Morgan and Adelaide Crapsey
Emily / X.J. Kennedy & Emily Dickinson
imagined relationships / Denise Duhamel
death personified / Dorianne Laux
Zen mind / William Carlos Williams
scary movies / Kim Addonizio & Jim Richardson
questions and answers / Naomi Shihab Nye
the writing prompt / Langston Hughes
best of the century / T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats, Robert Frost
because... the writer's life / Robert Hass & Brenda Hillman
my life today / Jane Hirshfield
poems from art / William Carlos Williams
starting with a quote / Jane Kenyon
to a fellow poet / Gerald Stern
from a photograph / Sharon Olds
spring distractions / Robert Frost
titles that invite us / Maria Mazziotti Gillan
personification / Charles Simic
marriage / Olena Kalytiak Davis
the extended metaphor / Cat Doty